Best internet security camera for mac 2017
Best internet security camera for mac 2017

best internet security camera for mac 2017

Likewise, business applications had to operate under totally new parameters in the fight against cybercrime.

best internet security camera for mac 2017

With nearly one-third of all employees switching to a home office due to Covid-19, suddenly the security programs of many consumer users, for instance, were also the last line of defense between the Internet and corporate networks. Because quite aside from the rampantly growing malware figures, last year saw unprecedented challenges, not only from a human perspective across the globe it also demanded Herculean performance from IT security products. Back then, the situation was still quite manageable with 12 known malware samples.īy comparison, however, 2020 was also the year of opportunities for IT security products to clearly set themselves apart from the competition. What's more, the number of newly-developed malicious programs grew by nearly 110 million malware samples, analyzed by AV-TEST in 2020, reaching the second-highest figure since they were first recorded in 1984. From government servers to the IT infrastructure of companies in industry, and right through to research institutions and telecom providers, all increasingly moved into the crosshairs of cybercriminals. First of all, 2020 saw a vast number of sophisticated cyberattacks on virtually all areas of public life. In retrospect, last year was a helluva challenge for IT security products.

best internet security camera for mac 2017

A year of extreme challenges for IT security products

Best internet security camera for mac 2017